• by Jacee Niblett - April 19, 2023

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the vast and beautiful world of sex toys. The notion that vibration will permanently desensitize your genitals, or that using toys means you are dissatisfied with your partner are just a few. 

I often hear of partners feeling threatened or uncomfortable when sex toys are introduced - largely because of lack of education or sex negative narratives perpetuated by the media.

And while you should never feel pressured into anything sexual (consent is mandatory!), sex toys can be a fun, joyful and pleasure expanding experience for couples.

They can increase access to orgasm, switch up a tired routine, and provide a new avenue that fosters novelty and exploration (both things that are proven to increase sexual satisfaction in relationships!)

So if you’re looking to delve into this new world - keep reading for some tips and tricks.

Start Small and Easy

When trying anything new, it can be helpful to start slow, small and easy rather than jumping in head first. And when it comes to the world of sex toys - this could mean trying out one toy that isn’t too intimidating. Something like a handheld bullet vibrator, or a simple hard vibe can be super versatile and super easy to use. Just adding it into the mix and playing around to see what you like is a great way to dip your toes in.

Shop the Precious Metal Gems

An Addition, Not a Replacement

Rather than looking at a sex toy as some sort of replacement for your partner - try having conversations around how your new sex toy is going to add so much pleasure for both parties. Anything from a strap on harness to a vibrating cock ring can be used together and give both partners extra sensation. Figuring out a way to use your new toy during the sex you already have can ease the feeling of being replaced. Try new positions that allow you to slip a vibrator in between you two!

Shop the Silicone Remote Pleasure Ring

Make it a Game

For some people, just shopping for a new sex toy together is enough to reignite a dimmed out spark. The naughty, new and exciting experience of shopping in an adult store can add just the right amount of variety and novelty to a sexual relationship! So my last tip is this - make the shopping experience a sexy game. Just like this remote controlled couples toy adds a fun dynamic to your experience - so can shopping for any toy! 

Whether that means you each pick a toy out for each other, shop around and quietly discuss how you could use each one, or work it into your romantic dinner date - cultivate the fun and exciting energy of the experience. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

Shop the Satisfyer Double Love Couples Remote Control Vibrator

Pleasure is a huge aspect of any sexual relationship - and sex toys can add so much to your dynamic. But if you’re nervous or have questions, our trained staff are here to help. Stop in to any of our locations to shop your new sexy addition!

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