3 Orgasm Issues Toys Can Help With

Orgasm with a Partner

Solo Orgasm

Performance Anxiety
by Jacee Niblett -
If you’ve ever stepped foot in an Excitement Adult store, you probably recognize the CalExotics brand. They’re some of our favorites, and they offer such a wide range of options in almost every category of sex toys.
When shopping CalExotics, you’re sure to find something that works for you.
We love them partly because they are affordable without sacrificing quality - but also because they offer some really innovative and unique options!
So if you’re looking for something a little different, check out some of these picks.
Having trouble reaching orgasm during partnered sex is one of the most common sexual concerns - especially for folks with vulvas. The clitoris is really the powerhouse of orgasm, and yet penetrative sex doesn’t always provide adequate stimulation to this area. So it makes sense that those of us with a clitoris would have trouble in this area.
Toys can help tremendously with this concern because they can provide that missing stimulation to the clitoris. While this concern can have its roots in sexual shame, performance anxiety or body image issues - a lot of the time it is an issue of simple anatomy, and simple adjustments can make a huge difference!
Choosing a toy that is easy to slip between bodies, and easy to maneuver is key. I recommend something small but powerful, and ergodynamic. This will give you room to explore and make it easy to adjust as needed.
Some people have issues experiencing orgasm with a partner but are successful during solo sex; But others face orgasm issues no matter what. If this is you - toys can also help.
The root of this concern can be a wide variety of things. But sometimes it comes down to practice! The orgasmic response is built on habit - the more often you experience it, the stronger the neural pathways that lead to that outcome become.
Powerful vibration can create a smooth pathway toward orgasm. If you have trouble reaching orgasm, and have never used a toy before, this can help train your body to reach orgasm more reliably - giving you easier access to this experience!
For this concern, I recommend anything that works well for you, but I would try to find a vibrator with a deep rumbly motor.
Sometimes orgasm concerns are rooted in performance anxiety. One impact of our culture’s cisheteronormative sexual scripts is that we believe men are responsible for the sexual experience being positive and pleasurable. This sense of responsibility and overall pressure to perform can lead some folks completely out of their bodies and into their heads. A stressful place to be, and not conducive to reaching orgasm!
So in this realm, toys can help not only break that script - but also take the pressure off of one individual. Using toys together can completely switch this up, and get all parties involved out of their heads and into their bodies.
For this concern I recommend any toy that makes you feel excited to try it!
There’s no shame in struggling with any aspect of your sexual life. My work in helping people overcome sexual challenges is so important because I believe that we all deserve to have fulfilling, satisfying and pleasurable experiences.
Sometimes, sex toys are a huge key in that journey for folks.
Excitement is an excellent resource to find those fun tools. So shop with us and maybe you’ll be surprised at how much it can help!